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Consortium of Universities, Institutes and Institutions

The Iber-Euro-America Consortium and the Global Iberoamerica Chair are initiatives promoted by the European Institute of International Studies, and developed in collaboration with the Department of Romance Studies and Classics of the Faculty of Humanities at Stockholm University. The Consortium counts with the support, as members and strategic partners, to the Iberoamerican General Secretary. The Consortium is a member of the Permanent Academic Council of the European Union-Latin America and Caribbean Summit.

Ambassador Liliane Lebron de Wenger, a member of EIIS-IEEI, is currently the Secretary-General of the Consortium.

Liliane Lebron de Wenger

General Objectives:

  • To promote academic cooperation among countries from Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Foster and develop academic programs with international excellency
  • Support the development of common spaces for higher education: the Ibero-American Knowledge Space and the Common Space for Higher Education European Union-Latin America and Caribbean

Specific Objectives:

  • Deepen and promote the knowledge on issues of shared interest of the EU-LAC Strategic Partnership
  • Academic support for training and capacity-building
  • Acquire new channels of interaction seeking to benefit the EU-LAC Partnership in the context of globalization

Type of members

  • Member Institutions: universities, research institutes and centers interested in joint academic endeavors.
  • Associated Institutions: centers and networks with an academic or cultural focus that are interested in the strengthening and the promotion of EU-LAC relations, as well as the relations of the Iberoamerican community.
  • Collaborating Institutions: public or private institutions who wish to participate in the activities of the Consortium and the Global Iberoamerica Chair.


  1. European Institute of International Studies (Spain/Sweden) General Secretariat of Consortium
  2. SEGIB-Iberoamerican General Secretariat (Headquarters: Madrid-Spain)
  3. International Institute IDEA-International for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (Sweden)
  4. OBIRET-Regional Observatory on Internalization and Networks in Tertiary Education-UNESCO/IESALC(International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean) (Headquarters: University of Guadalajara) (Mexico)
  5. Stockholm University (Sweden)
  6. University of Helsinki (Finland)
  7. Political Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean-University-Institute of Political Studies of Paris (France)
  8. Institute of Latin-German Institute of Global and Area Studies GIGA-Research (Germany)
  9. Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Warsaw (Poland)
  10. Austrian Latin America Institute (Austria)
  11. Interuniversity Institute for relations between Europe,
  12. Latin America and Caribbean (Belgium)
  13. Institute of Latin American Studies and the Department of International Relations and European Integration of the National School of Political Science and Administration (Romania)
  14. Lum Jean Monnet University (Italy)
  15. Center for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Mexico)
  16. Ibero-American Center of the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)
  17. Pontifical Javeriana University (Colombia)
  18. Institute of International Relations, National University of La Plata (Argentina)
  19. Institute of International Studies, University of Chile (Chile)
  20. Central American University (El Salvador)
  21. Rafael Landivar University (Guatemala)
  22. Central American  University of Nicaragua (Nicaragua)
  23. University of Integration of the Americas (Paraguay)
  24. ESAN University (Peru)
  25. Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (Peru)
  26. Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja (Ecuador)
  27. Catholic University of Avila (Spain)
  28. Francisco de Vitoria University (Spain)
  29. Santillana Foundation (Spain)
  30. Virtual Library Miguel de Cervantes Foundation (Spain)
  31. Institute of the Americas (France)
  32. Carolina Foundation (Spain)
  33. Institute of Latin America of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
  34. Grupo Atena (Spain)
  35. Alumni Federation (Spain)
  36. CERTIUNI Fundation (Spain)
  37. Instituto de Cuestiones Internacionales y Política Exterior (INCIPE) (Spain)