Cátedra de Relaciones Internacionales y Diplomacia

Las reglas globales de las relaciones internacionales están siendo reescritas cada día conforme usted lee este documento. También la diplomacia experimenta cambios y transformaciones y se ha abierto el debate acerca que debe permanecer y que debe cambiar. Adicionalmente, los actores de las relaciones internacionales y diplomacia han cambiado, se han diversificado y ampliado. La profundización de la democracia política, por un lado, y la ampliación de la diversidad social, por otro, han generado en el seno del mismo Estado una pluralidad de actores e instancias con espacio propio hacia exterior.

La heterogeneidad social, por su parte, ha generado una densa red de organizaciones sociales que interaccionan de forma natural en la esfera internacional sin permiso de sus gobiernos y a veces contra ellos. Pero es importante constatar que, para las personas, para los habitantes de los países, los temas de mayor interés son empleo, educación, migración, salud. El interés en política exterior es pequeño y a la vez, la diplomacia es cuestionada por su lógica, su utilidad y su coherencia. Ello se traduce no solo en las opciones políticas que el ciudadano escoge al momento de ejercer sus derechos más en la comprensión del rol que tiene la diplomacia y las relaciones internacionales en la vida de cada ciudadano.

Las organizaciones políticas, por su parte, si comprenden y aprecian el valor de la diplomacia y de las relaciones internacionales. Otros actores como empresas y las organizaciones sociales también comparten este criterio.

Finalmente, el influjo de las nuevas tecnologías ha abierto las relaciones internacionales a nuevos campos (espacio virtual) y desconocidos ámbitos de interacción humana, individual y colectiva con una proyección innegable en las relaciones internacionales, lo que exige una diplomacia renovada y que se manifiesta hoy en la existencia de una diplomacia cultural, educativa, científica, pública, paradiplomacia, diplomacia digital, diplomacia técnica o techdiplomacia.

La Cátedra de Relaciones Internacionales y Diplomacia tiene como objetivo contribuir a un mejor conocimiento de los temas que tradicionalmente han estado bajo la esfera de la diplomacia como también de los nuevos temas y desafíos que enfrenta en unas relaciones internacionales impredecibles como inciertas.

La Cátedra de Relaciones Internacionales y Diplomacia considera que la educación se encuentra en la base de la comprensión de los fenómenos que articulan las relaciones internacionales y la diplomacia y está íntimamente vinculada con los valores democráticos que son, a su vez fundamentales para el continuo desarrollo de las sociedades.

En base a lo anterior al ser necesario vincular diplomacia, relaciones internacionales, ciudadanos, organizaciones políticas y Estados, la Cátedra considera importante promover la realización de cursos y seminarios, realización de proyectos, publicación de libros y ensayos, entre otras actividades. Ello acercara a todos a una mejor comprensión y entendimiento de la diplomacia y las relaciones internacionales su utilidad y propósitos al servicio de la persona y las naciones.

Chair in International Relations and Diplomacy in the Digital Age

The global rules of international relations are being rewritten every day as you read this document. Diplomacy also undergoes changes and transformations and the debate has opened about what should remain and what should change. Additionally, the actors of international relations and diplomacy have changed, have diversified and expanded.
the deepening of political democracy, on the one hand, and the expansion of social diversity, on the other, have generated within the same State a plurality of actors and instances with their own external space.

Social heterogeneity, on the other hand, has generated a dense network of social organizations that interact naturally in the international sphere without the permission of their governments and sometimes against them. But it is important to note that, for people, for the inhabitants of the countries, the topics of greatest interest are employment, education, migration, health. The interest in foreign policy is small and at the same time, diplomacy is questioned by its logic, its usefulness and its coherence. This translates not only into the political options that the citizen chooses when exercising their rights and also in understanding the role of diplomacy and international relations in the life of each citizen.

Political organizations, on the other hand, do understand and appreciate the value of diplomacy and international relations. Other actors such as companies and social organizations also share this criterion.

Finally, the influx of new technologies has opened international relations to new fields (virtual space) and unknown areas of human, individual and collective interaction with an undeniable projection in international relations, which requires a renewed diplomacy and which manifests itself today with the existence of cultural, educational, scientific, public diplomacy, paradiplomacy, digital diplomacy, technical diplomacy or techdiplomacy.

The aim of the Chair of International Relations and Diplomacy is to contribute to a better knowledge of the subjects that have traditionally been under the sphere of diplomacy as well as the new issues and challenges that it faces in the unpredictable and uncertain international relations.

The Chair of International Relations and Diplomacy considers that education is at the base on the understanding of the phenomena that articulate international relations and diplomacy and is intimately linked with the democratic values that are, at the same time, fundamental for the continuous development of the societies.

Based on the foregoing, it is necessary to link diplomacy, international relations, citizens, political organizations and States, the Chair considers it important to promote courses and seminars, carry out projects, publish books and essays, among other activities. This will bring everyone closer to a better understanding and understanding of diplomacy and international relations, its usefulness and purpose at the service of the person and the nations.

Emb. Alejandro Garofali Acosta

Cátedra de Relaciones Internacionales y Diplomacia en la Era Digital
Chair in International Relations and Diplomacy in the Digital Age

Curriculum vitae

Associate Research Assistant at the Chair of International Business and Society Relations with a Focus on Latin America at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany).

Ambassador of Uruguay to the Swiss Confederation and the Principality of Liechtenstein and Permanent Representative to the Universal Postal Union, based in Bern. He holds a Ph.D. in Sustainable Development (Law and Economics) from the Catholic University of Ávila, Spain, and a Master’s in Business Administration from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain. He completed his studies in International Relations at the University of the Republic of Uruguay and took part in various studies and training courses for diplomats and international relations specialists in Uruguay and the European Union.

He has been a visiting professor at the Institute of Latin American Studies at Stockholm University (Sweden), a professor at the ORT University (School of International Studies and Business Administration), at the Catholic University of Uruguay (Faculty of Social Sciences and Administration), and at the University of the Republic (Uruguay).

He was Ambassador to Ethiopia and Kenya and Permanent Representative of Uruguay to the African Union, based in Addis Ababa, and Permanent Representative of Uruguay to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), UN-Habitat, and CEPA in Nairobi (Kenya). Previously, Dr. Garofali held several diplomatic positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay and has also worked in the United States of America, Sweden, and other Nordic and Baltic countries.