VIII Congreso de Estudios Europeos – Universidad de Concepción, June 25-26, 2019.
Photo: Beatríz Hernández, Paulina Astroza, Michel Levi, Mario Torres Jarrín, José Antonio Sanahuja y Gian Luca Gardini.
Photo: Beatríz Hernández, Paulina Astroza, Michel Levi, Mario Torres Jarrín, José Antonio Sanahuja y Gian Luca Gardini.
I Work Meeting Jean Monnet Project «Relations between the European Union and Latin America: Future scenarios in a changing world». Project funded by Erasmus + / Jean Monnet Program of …
Organized by EIIS,OCDE,LAC-Center and Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Czech Republic. Prague, June 3, 2019