Publicado bajo la dirección de Mario Torres Jarrín y Jonathan Violante Pica Instituto Europeo de Estudios Internacionales.
Wednesday, 23 November, 11.00 to 12.30
Room D — Centre William Rappard — World Trade Organization – Geneva
The Pacific Alliance is a relatively new initiative by Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru — countries that are seeking to create a new process of regional integration in Latin America and the Caribbean. Such a process is to be based on a shared vision of political economy and free trade as a model of development. The Pacific Alliance intends to implement a deep integration of services, capitals, investment and flow of people. As its name indicates, the Alliance has expressed a particular emphasis on the Asia-Pacific region, and is working effectively at promoting increased participation in global value chains. This book delves into the Pacific Alliance from various perspectives, including the areas of foreign diplomacy, the economy, politics and technological aspects while analysing the opportunities that may occur during this process of regional integration.
More information about the Book presentation in WTO: