Chair for the International Study of Values

This Chair focuses on the study of values in an international comparative perspective using the data and results of a variety of survey research projects, analyzing them in a cross-section mode as well as in a more longitudinal mode, through time series. Although practically all countries in the world are involved in one or more of the above mentioned projects, values related to good governance, sustainable, equitable and inclusive development, regional integration, interregional dialogue and
globalization, corruption, organized crime etc…in the framework of the relations between Europe and Latin America constitute the main focus of the chair.

Director of the Chair: Professor Juan Diez Nicolasjuan diez nicolas

Juan Diez Nicolas has Diploma «Degré Superieur» in French Language and Civilization, Universities of Toulouse and Bordeaux, Pau, 1958. M.A. in Political Science, Universidad Complutense, Madrid (1960). First Award of UCM-M.A.’s in Political Science, 1960. National First Award in Political Science, 1961. Diploma from the School of Industrial Organization (speciality in Enterprises), Madrid, 1961. Fulbright Fellowship, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., USA, 1961-63. M.A. in Sociology, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1962. Ph.D. in Political Science, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, 1967. Full Professor (tenured) in Sociology (1971).


  • Director, Chair for Research in the Social Sciences and Security, Universidad Europea de Madrid, 2013-  .
  • Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Department of Sociology II (Human Ecology and Population), School of Political Sciences and Sociology, Complutense University of Madrid (Full Professor 1975-2008, Professor Emeritus 2008- ).
  • Founder-President, Análisis Sociológicos, Económicos y Políticos (ASEP), (1982- )
  • Delegate of the Spanish Chapter (elected), European Academy of Sciences and Arts (2014). Member of the Academy (2001- ).
  • Founder-President, FADDIS (Foundation for the Analysis and Dissemination of Social Surveys Data), (2009- ).
  • President of AGE Foundation (Active with Great Experience) (2014).
  • Vice-Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the World Values Survey (elected 2013- ), (formerly member of the Steering and Executive Committee, elected 1993-2004, Vice-President 2004-2008, Permanent Advisor 2008-2013).
  • Member of the Executive Committee and Associate-Director for Southern Europe, European Centre for Survey Research, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, (2011- ).
  • Member of the Consortium for the Research Project on «Social and Political Transformations in the Arab World» (ARAB TRANS, EC FP-7 SSH.2012.4.3-1) (2012- )
  • PI for Spain in the following international research groups: World Values Survey (WVS 1990- ), International Social Survey Program (ISSP, 1994- ), Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES, 1994- ).
  • Regular lecturer at the CESEDEN and ESFAS (Higher Study Centre for National Defence) (1974-.
  • Member (elected) of the Free Emeritus College (2011- ).
  • Senior Researcher at the Royal Institute Elcano 2014-  (Formerly member of the Scientific Council 2002-2014), Member of  the Civil Society Forum (2008- ), Association for the Defence of Transition (2007- ), Advisory Committee of Corporate Excellence (2011- ), Scientific Committee of the Anna Lindh Foundation (2012- ), Executive Committee of IPSA’s Research Committee 17 on Comparative Public Opinion (2012- ), Advisory Committee of ATENEA, and other organizations and editorial boards.