
Jean Monnet Kick-Off Meeting: EIIS & Universidad de Concepción. Winners of European Commission funds (Jean Monnet Project: “Relations between the European Union and Latin America: Future scenarios in a changing world”. Research period: 3 years (2018-2020). Brussels, November 28, 2018.

Mario Torres Jarrín, EIIS Director & Paulina Astrosa Suarez, Jean Monnet Chair at Universidad de Concepción Jean Monnet Projects «Relations between the European Union and Latin America: Future scenarios in …

The Dominican Republic’s ambassador Laura Faxas and Director of the European Institute of International Studies, Dr. Mario Torres Jarrín signed an Action Plan for implementation agreement between EIIS & INESDYC (Institute of Higher Education in Diplomatic and Consular Training «Dr. Eduardo Latorre Rodríguez «) Stockholm, October 10, 2019.

Amb. Laura Faxas, Ambassador of the Dominican Republic in Sweden and Dr. Mario Torres Jarrín, Director EIIS. The Dominican Republic’s ambassador Laura Faxas and Director of the European Institute of …