International conference in the framework of the Research Project Erasmus + / Jean Monnet «Over the Atlantic. EU and Latina America Relations: Between Diplomacy and Paradiplomacy».

Parliamentary Diplomacy and Paradiplomacy in the EU-LAC relations: from Theory to Practice

International conference in the framework of the Research Project Erasmus + / Jean Monnet «Over the Atlantic. EU and Latina America Relations: Between Diplomacy and Paradiplomacy».


16.00 – 16.20 Welcome words
Amb. Dr. Antonio Núñez y García Saúco, president of the European Institute of International Studies (Sweden)
Dra. Giuliana Laschi, professor and Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration History at the University of Bologna (Italy) and Project leader of the Jean Monnet Project «Over the Atlantic. EU and Latin America relations: Between diplomacy and paradiplomacy»
Dr. Mario Torres Jarrín, director of the Institute of European Studies and Human Rights at the Pontifical Univerisity of Salamanca (Spain)

Moderator: Dra. Mónica Velasco Pufleau, director of the EU-LAC Chair at the European Institute of International Studies (Sweden)

16.20 – 18.20 Speakers
Dr. Stelios Stavridis, University of Zaragoza (Spain): «Diplomacia parlamentaria: Ejemplos y definiciones»

Dra. Mónica Velasco Pufleau, director of the EU-LAC Chair at the European Institute of International Studies (Sweden): «La diplomacia parlamentaria como mecanismo de protección de los derechos humanos: el Caso Ayotzinapa»

Dra. Clarissa Dri, Federal University St. Catarina (Brazil): «El Parlasur y las relaciones UE-Mercosur»

Dr. Celso Cancela Outeda, University of Vigo (Spain): «La paradiplomacia en panorámica: Algunas cuestiones básicas»

Dr. Mario Torres Jarrín, director of the Institute of European Studies and Human Rights at the Pontifical Univerisity of Salamanca (Spain): “Paradiplomacia de las ciudades. Caso Suecia: Smart City”

Mtra. Celina Vaccarone Michref, PhD candidate in International Relations at the Universidad San Salvador (Argentina): “Pensando la paradiplmacia como herramienta de política exterior”

Moderator: Dra. Giuliana Laschi, professor and Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration History at the University of Bologna (Italy)

18.20 – 18.40 Questions & Anwers
18.40 – 18.45 Conclusions and Final words
Amb. Dr. Antonio Núñez y García Saúco, president of the European Institute of International Studies (Sweden)