Stockholm Meeting on Interreligious and Cultural Dialogue: “Walk Together”, October 29th 2019

Stockholm Meeting on Interreligious and Cultural Dialogue: “Walk Together” Organized by EIIS & Roman Catholic Diocese of Stockholm Stockholm, October 29th 2019.

Inagural Session

Mario Torres Jarrín, PhD, director, European Institute of International Studies, Cardinal Anders Arborelius ocd, cardinal of Sweden and bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Stockholm, Amb. Antonio Nuñez y García-Saúco, president, European Institute of International Studies and  professor Patrice Brodeur, senior advisor at KAICIID Centre.

Pope Francis message

Presentation of Scholas Occurrentes

Sofia Nordin, The Centre for Inter Faith Dialogue in the Diocese of Stockholm and Patrice Brodeur, professor, senior advisor at KAICIID Centre.

Cardinal Anders Arborelius ocd, cardinal of Sweden and bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Stockholm, Imam Salahuddin Barakat, representative of the Sunni Muslim Community in Sweden.  Rabbi Ute Steyer, rabbi of the Jewish Community of Stockholm, Hassanain Govani, representative of the Shia Muslim Community in Sweden and Bishop Eva Brunne, bishop emeritus of the Diocese of Stockholm in the Church of Sweden

Rabbi Abraham Skorka, rector Latin American Rabbinical Seminary in Buenos Aires. Currently visiting professor at the Institute for Jewish-Catholic Relations at Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia (United States) and Cardinal Anders Arborelius ocd, cardinal of Sweden and bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Stockholm.

Amb José Beraún Aranibar, Vice president of the European Institute of International Studies, Marta Simoncelli, deputy secretary of the Scholas Occurrentes Foundation (Spain), Sofía Nordin of The Centre for Inter Faith Dialogue in the Diocese of Stockholm (Sweden), Professor Patrice Brodeur of the KAICIID (King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue), Vienna (Austria) and Carl Dahlbäck, vicar of the parish of Nacka and Guds Hus (House of God) of the Church of Sweden

Amb José Beraún Aranibar, Vice president of the European Institute of International Studies, Marta Simoncelli, deputy secretary of the Scholas Occurrentes Foundation (Spain), Sofía Nordin of The Centre for Inter Faith Dialogue in the Diocese of Stockholm (Sweden)

Peter Weiderud, Special Envoy for Religion in Conflict and Peace Building, Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs (Sweden) and Tomáš Doležal, PhD, The School of International Relations and Diplomacy at Anglo-American University in Prague (Czech Republic)

Tomáš Doležal, PhD, The School of International Relations and Diplomacy at Anglo-American University in Prague (Czech Republic) and José Antonio Calvo, Academic Director of the European Institute of International Studies

Javier Sadaba, European Institute of International Studies, Yasri Khan, president of the Swedish Muslims for Peace and Justice (Svenska Muslimer för Fred och Rättvisa), Alexander Eisen, representative of young Jews in Sweden, Lovisa Jaruta, representative of the young Catholics in Sweden (Sveriges Unga Katoliker) and Jakob Schwarz, president of the Church of Sweden Youth (Svenska kyrkans Unga)