New edition of the Iberamerican Chair of the EIIS: Meeting of the new Executive Director of the EULAC Foundation, Ambassador Paola Amadei and the Ambassadors of Europe and Latinoamerica and Caribbean countries to Sweden organized by the European Institute of International Studies of Stockholm on the 1st June 2016.

New edition of the Iberamerican Chair of the EIIS: Meeting of the new Executive Director of the EULAC Foundation, Ambassador Paola Amadei and the Ambassadors of Europe and Latinoamerica and Caribbean countries to Sweden organized by the European Institute of International Studies of Stockholm on the 1st June 2016.

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During this meeting Paola Amadei, Executive Director of the EULAC Foundation presented the objectives, strategic lines and Plan of activities of the Foundation proposed by the new directive team. Besides, the Ambassador of the Dominican Republic to Sweden, Mª Isabel Cáceres de Estevez, and the Director of the EIIS, Mario Torres, explained the objetives and the programme of the two Preparatory Seminars of the Permanent Forum of the III EULAC Academic Summit, to be held in Santo Domingo (República Dominicana) on 21st and 22nd of June 2016 and in Stockholm (Sweden) on the 6th and 7th October. The meeting was organized in the Library of the Latinoamerica Institute of the University of Stockholm with the presence of its Director, Professor Andrés Rivarola,  and also the Director of the Department of Latinoamerica Studies.