European Institute of International Studies & Copenhagen Business School and Confederation of Danish Industry.

European Institute of International Studies & Copenhagen Business School and Confederation of Danish Industry. 23 FEBRUARY  2017



14.30 Registration and Coffee

15.00 Welcome
Dorte Salskov-Iversen, Vice President for International Affairs, CBS
Kathrine Lyster-Clausen, Market Advisor, Confederation of Danish Industry

15.10 What is the Pacific Alliance – what do you as a company need to know
Dr. Mario Torres Jarrin, Director of the European Institute of International Studies and Associate Researcher Institute of Latin American Studies at Stockholm University

15.30 The Free Trade Agreements
Peter Bay Kierkegaard, Leading Senior Advisor, Confederation of Danish Industry

15.45 How can the Pacific Alliance help our company in the region
Anne Sophie Zerlang Karlsen, Latin America to Europe Trade Manager, Mærsk

16.00 Our success in Chile and how the Pacific Alliance can help us grow in the region
Ted Wiecker, Chief Sales Officer, Damptech A/S

16.15 Panel Discussion: The benefits of the Pacific Alliance for its members and the opportunities for Danish companies
Dr. Mario Torres Jarrin, Director of the European Institute of International Studies and Associate Researcher Institute of Latin American Studies at Stockholm University
Jose Beraun Aranibar, Ambassador of Peru to Denmark
Flavio Tarsetti Quezada, Ambassador of Chile to Denmark
José Ignacio Madrazo, Ambassador of Mexico to Denmark
Carlos Rodríguez, Charge d’Affaires, Colombian Embassy to Denmark
Jesper Fersløv Andersen, Danish Ambassador to Chile
Anne Sophie Zerlang Karlsen, WCSA+CAR/EUR Trade, Mærsk
Ted Wiecker, Chief Sales Officer, Damptech A/S
Peter Bay Kierkegaard, Leading Senior Advisor, Confederation of Danish Industry
Moderator: Anders Wurtzen, Head of Public Affairs, Mærsk

17.00 Conclusion
Kathrine Lyster-Clausen, Market Advisor, Confederation of Danish Industry

17.05 Networking

18.00 Thank you